Jan 20, 2018

One Crazy Summer - Rita Williams-Garcia

Score: 4/5

Summary: These girls go to their mom's house. Their mother is not excited that they are in her life. They go to a Black Panther summer camp -- they provide food, etc.

You go through the year of '68 in the view of these kids and the things that are happening in their life. Things are changing with some people happy about it and other's not so much.

For some, the issue with this book is that it shines a positive light on the Black Panthers. Black Panthers had positive community services so for kids this is going to be something positive and nice to have.

Their mother is only in what she did to give them life. She doesn't want or want to be around these kids that she birthed.

When their grandparents send them off, I was disappointed that they were brought to their mom. I know they had to eventually meet her one way or the other but wow.

It's more of a glimpse of the changes and what happened at this time in history. It's not really a happily ever after and family come together kind of story.

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