Jan 27, 2018

Birds of a Feather by Vanita Oelschlager

Downloaded through Netgalley to read for an honest review.
Score: 5/5

First sentence: Goosebumps

This is already published & ready to be purchased!


Simple and colorful illustrations of common idioms. I liked the imagery for, "Look what the cat dragged in." and a "A wild goose chase."

Explanation page at the end about what an idiom is. 

You have to flip the book to read the explanation and example sentence that goes with the idiom. 


May find it offensive that the idiom illustration depiction of a "Wild goose chase" the police officers are pigs.

These are literal depictions which may confuse some kids. 

You have to flip the book to read the explanation and example sentence that goes with the idiom.


Yes,  it's cute and I love it already. Learning about idioms in school was my favorite part of language arts.

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