Apr 26, 2018

#Netgalley Memory Lane

I haven't posted any reviews because I am currently reading the books. Now I'm writing this blog post to help murder the anxiety buzzing through my veins. It's just a fun going down memory lane in context of Netgalley & the books I've read -- if I mean you didn't get that based off the title.

I decided to sign up for Netgalley in January. I thought this whole signing up for books to review was going to be more complicated than what it was.

This blog is meant to help remind me of the books I'm reading. But Netgalley I was, "I'll focus on educational aspect of kid books."


Expanded Reviews 

Being able to download books from Hidden Gems & Netgalley has expanded my book reading habits. I wouldn't have picked the books I did if I was buying or stopping at the library.

I love that because now I have a wider selection when I do go into the library. I'm poor and rarely buy books so I have no problem with supporting my library system.

Questions: if you review books -- has it expanded your reading horizons or do you read the stuff you have always read? 

Always Sunny Reviews?

I was worried that downloading from a website would influence my opinion. They're handing out books what happens if it's a one star read?

To my surprise -- I still have no problem voicing my opinion about a book whether a publisher permitted me to read their book or not. I'm naturally argumentative so that's possibly why it's helped with that.

I also didn't know when I first started that I had to let everyone know I received it from Netgalley. Many of the books I review are from publishers that I'm auto-approved and the books been out a thousand years.

But!! I generally give 3 star or above because it's based on whether I enjoyed it..even a little bit. 

Kid Books!

I've found adorable kid books that I will def. have in my classroom library. It's nice to have that to look forward in the future. I wouldn't have found them without Netgalley. Mainly, because I buy my classroom library books from Goodwill for a quarter.

I'm also partial to Vanita Oelschlager books. It's one of the publishers that anyone can download a book to review from. As far as I'm aware there isn't ever a period where you have to wait to be approved for a book. They don't have expiration dates so you can have 'em to read to the kids.

Things I'm still confused about Netgalley

What is the orange pen thing by the book cover? Is it telling me that they've read the information I sent them?

When will I stop requesting books? Last week I had it down to maybe five books I still had to read. Now it's at 12. A handful are already published so I'm not too worried about that. But still, why am I doing this to myself?

But!!! I do this at the library as well. My boyfriend is always, "Why? Why?" but y'know he's been with me for ten years so it's a thing that hasn't chased him off yet.

Questions: Do you over do it with Netgalley?

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