Apr 15, 2018

#SundayQuestions: What is the first book you read by your self?

Decided to update my questions. This was found through Hello, Abibliophobia. If you have any questions/answers you'd like to ask or whatever.. lemme know.


My drive toward reading started young. I don't recall the first book that inspired me to continue reading books.

I did notice how fast I moved I traveled through reading picture books to reading novels. I wasn't an extraordinary fast reader. It was simply noticeable how I was losing out on pictures as I progressed.

By fifth grade I was reading far higher leveled than what my interest was...as a fifth grader. Yes, I could read at a higher level but I wasn't often interested in the books in my reading level. Super depressing but I read anyway because it's what I love to do!

But sadly there wasn't Goodreads or a thought to file away the first book I read when I was younger.

This is an update to this post

Do you remember the first book you read by yourself?

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